Website Development Tutorial with Video to Ensure Top Security

In today’s digital world, it is very important for companies and individual professionals to have their own websites. For many customers, a well-made website forms the first impression. For startups it becomes a major issue as they mostly aren’t well aware of it. While they can develop their business website following a step by step website developmenttutorial with video, they mostly skip the security part by mistake.

Seeing as websites play an important role in today’s business growth, it is imperative that companies also take care to maintain the security of these websites. Web security is a topic of prime focus in present scenario. A majority of the websites that we use today are built using the WordPress medium. Hence, when talking about web security, we must talk about the guidelines of WordPress security.

The first thing to remember is to always keep your WordPress up-to-date. The WordPress blog regularly provides constant updates for its site, both minor and major. Most often, the minor updates are done automatically. But for any major update, you must approve it. The most basic way to reduce security risk to your website is to adopt the latest WordPress version.

Secondly, keep a unique username and password. Never keep your primary login as “admin”. A majority of today’s attacks target your wp-admin / wp-login access points using a combination of admin and some password. By removing the username of “admin”, you also remove that threat. Also make sure to keep a strong password – something complex, long and unique. As an added security measure, never save your password on your browser.

Use a reliable hosting server. WordPress is a relatively secure medium to use. But the hosting server you use also plays a major role in your website security. A good hosting provider will always use extra measures to protect the sever against common security threats.

Always keep a backup WordPress solution. As they say, precaution is always better than cure.  If you are following any of the good website development tutorial with video, you might get some guidance on this there. A company should have a backup ready in case of any mishap. Backups allow you to quickly restore your WordPress site in case something bad was to happen. The most important thing one must remember is to save that backups on a regular basis, and not on your hosting account. It must be saved on another another location.

Other measures include: limiting login attempts form unknown IP addresses; to disable file editing; using two-step authorization process, and many more. If a company wants, there are a host of ways available to improve a website’s security. You just have to be determined to look at the right places for helpful suggestions. 
